Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Complete and Final List

Here you go dear readers, the finalized list:

1. Lose 75lbs.
2. Get a tattoo
3. Go on a blind date
4. Have my first real kiss
5. Travel somewhere I have never been before
6. Do at least 1 thing a month that scares me.
7. Go hiking.
8. Go to a karoke bar and sing my lungs out.
9. Read the Bible cover to cover.
10.Pray a 54 day novena
11.Make confession a more regular part of my spiritual life
12.Journal on a daily basis (not always blogging, but a real physical journal).
13.Be the Orioles fan of the game.
14.Take a class.
15.Help save dogs in some way, by donation or even rescuing a puppy (if my parents allow).
16.See a show on Broadway.
17.Take a trip to Carlo's bakery in New Jersey.
18.Go Dancing
19.Visit Grandma on a more regular basis.
20.Finish my scrapbooking projects I started years ago.
21.Purchase a lap top.
22.Purchase a new car (or at least new to me)
23.Open a savings account at a credit union, not just relying on my checking account.
24.Make more time in my life for friends, especially those I hardly see because I'm "busy" or "tired".
25.Fix my guitar and begin learning to play once again.

There you go, the final list, 25 things I MUST do before I turn 25! Let the fun begin! Wish me luck!