Sunday, August 22, 2010

Tugging at my heart

I know it's been a while since I've blogged about my list. Things have gotten off to a slow start, I am eating healthier, while I'm not sure if the weight is coming off, I feel A LOT better, I don't actually own a scale so....

Also I did do 1 "scary" thing thus far. I attended Theology on Tap and while it's not "scary" really, for me, I'm not fond of some social situations where I feel everyone around me is more in tune with the Catholic faith, my dear friend Theresa suggested that we go and while I normally make up an excuse, I said, stick to the list and do it! I benefited greatly! It was my first Theology experience and I enjoyed it and will be going again the first Wednesday of September. I reconnected with an old friend who things totally fell apart with in the past 5 years and can honestly say, for the first time I feel like we are truly friends again and that's nice.

I am also looking into possibly volunteering at the Humane League, but not sure how my dog will feel about that... she gets mad when I come home smelling of other dogs.

Now to the real reason I am writting my blog. The blind date. I want to achieve that goal. I have prayed for my future husband for years, I have done the whole online dating thing, talked with a few gentleman, but one of us usely stops talking to the other, it just doesn't feel right. I mentioned it in my old blog, I really don't think the online dating this is going to be the right course for me. It is for many people, my best friend met her husband that way, but for me it doesn't feel right. I even went as far as meeting someone off of but nothing came from that, it wasn't the right fit, he wasn't the "one".

I am coming here to ask the few people that follow my blog, a question. I am friends with many wonderful Catholic people. Do any of you know of a good Catholic man who is found of dogs, likes baseball and can carry on a conversation? If so I would really like to meet him. I have a tugging at my heart tonight that feels this may be the way I meet him. I have a feeling that I will meet him through a friend, who has ties close to my faith. Call me crazy, I most likely am. But can any of you think of such a man? I would want to go on a blind date, but may need a friend to come along also, to make sure I don't chicken out. I've been living too sheltered of a life. I am 24 and never been kissed. I haven't had butterflies in my stomach over a guy for 5 years.... it's time to get off this constant circle I'm on. I need to step up and through the grace of God allow him to make it happen. I need to stop trying to control it.

I am going to keep praying, keep looking and trust God, but if anyone can think of this man. Send him my e-mail. I would greatly appreciate it.

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